Air Busan Stock Chart Analysis
For Air Busan stock price, look at the yellow box above first. It's an event that you have to move between 7190-8420. I also show a lot of airline stocks in Korea and overseas. There's no airline that falls out like this. I should have kept the price of 7190 won, which is the lower part of the yellow box above. Still, it broke after a long time, so I expected KHL중계 a rebound with 5,340 won supported again. As expected, I couldn't keep it and fell out, so I tried to keep 3550 won, but it broke again. On the chart, there's no more lows. You don't have to worry about the company, do you? It's my favorite airline, too. The service is the best NBA중계 . That's why I had this event. I hope this company can be reborn beautifully. I think the bequest amount is being used for operating expenses. I don't know how many bullets we have left.Or it would be nice if a good company could take over and revive it. Above all, I think Air...